film C1

Friday 23rd February 2024
Film industry
LO: to explore the aims and conventions of film posters
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1.warner bros, lucafilms, marvel, dc, disney, paramount, 20th century fox , asylum, universal, pixar, sony
a franchise is an intellectual property for which several derivative works have been produced from an original work such as a movie, television show, novel or video game.
distribution is the process of making a movie available for viewing by an audience. 
Hollywood major
major film studios that produce and distribute movies based in hollywood
A teaser trailer (or simply a teaser) is a short trailer and a form of teaser campaign advertising that focuses on film and television programming.
Montage is a technique of film editing that combines a series of short shots or clips into one sequence, often set to music. 
ensemble cast
An ensemble cast is a large group of central, dynamic characters.
tentpole film
tent-pole or tentpole is a program or film that supports the financial performance of a film studio, television network, or cinema chain.
high concept
High concept is a type of artistic work that can be easily pitched with a succinctly stated premise. 
Enigma codes are the “revelation of truth”. The producer of the media text will deliberately create a plot point that raises questions and teases the audience so we read on to resolve the mystery.
1.the big 5 studios are disney, universal, warner bros, sony and paramount
2.the main aim of a film marketing campaign is to get you to watch the film ,buy its physical media and for you to tell your friends about it
3. the marketing techniques that are often used are posters virtual ads and billboards
4. key info about the genre narrative and characters
5. A teaser poster has less information whereas the theatrical poster gives far more information about film.
6. Avengers, fast and furious, lord of the rings and harry potter
Wednesday 28th February 2024
Film posters
LO: to analyse the film poster set texts effectively
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  • James bond is a franchise
  • its a action movie
  • James bond has been played by multiple actors
  • stated in 1962
  • "licence to kill"
  • "bond, james bond"
No time to die is a James bond film that was released in the uk on the 30th of september 2021, after a global premiere at the royal Albert hall on 28th september 2021. starring Daniel Craig as 007, this was his fifth and last film. The releases was significantly delayed from April 2020 following a change in director and covid 19 pandemic. The films budget was an estimate 250-301 million dollars and it grossed over 774 million dollars.
Main image:
Daniel Craig is the largest person on the poster and all the other actors are smaller and underneath him this shows that Daniel Craig is the main character.
Colour palette:
The colour palette is bright and connotes flames and the action that happens in the movie and the blue which connotes how calm and collected James Bond is.
Mise en scene:
 i can see guns and cars in the poster which connotes that this is an action movie with a lot of fast paced scenes, the actors are looking at the camera, this is direct address
The genre is action and spy movie
Release date:
The movie released 30th September 2021
In the background of the poster the logo 007 is seen
Writer & Inspiration: Ian Fleming wrote the books of James bond and was in inspired by it with his own experiences in the CIA and forming the FBI
Timeline of Films: The James Bond film series started in 1962 with doctor no and has continued with twenty four more films the latest being No Time which was released in 2021.
Main Characters: The main characters are James bond, M , Q, and miss Moneypenny
Typical Storylines: The typical storyline of a bond film is James bond going on missions to save the world whilst very powerful villains' getting gadgets from his sidekick Q or M from
Main Themes: Some main themes in the James Bond franchise include espionage, action, adventure, technology, and romance.
Actors Who Have Played Bond: Actors who have played James Bond are Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce brosnan, Daniel Craig..
Typical Target Audience: The target audience of James bond are men who enjoy watching action films
Interesting Facts or Statistics: The James Bond franchise is one of the longest-running and most successful film series in history and Sean Connery wore a toupee when playing James Bond.
Friday 1st March 2024
Film posters 
The montage design, where separate image
s are laid over each other, references previous bond films, providing a sense of familiarity, nostalgia and pleasure to fans who recognise the link. The 007 gun logo acts as an intertextual link between no time to die and previous bond film. It has become synonymous with Bond.
It is significant that there is no intertextual reference to ian fleming (the author of the Bond books) on this poster- this is a departure from previous bond films this suggests that the movie is not related to the book
The locations shown In the poster is a city ,the mountains and a bar in Cuba this connotates that the James bond movie is in exotic areas and this suggests that there is going to be traveling in the action adventure movie.
Propp's character roles is the villain and can be shown in the masked character as they are presented as evil since they possess a gun and a mask. The hero is also shown on the poster due to the fact he is the largest person on the cover and is the most in focus.
Historically, Bond has been more sexist, and the women are usually less capable then bond. However Daniel Craig's bond is less sexist, more in touch with his emotions and female characters are as capable as Bond.

Stereotypes of the poster: i can see the stereotypes of the geek (glasses and intelligence), the villain (mysterious, mask), the bond girl (attractive and independent) and the hero (cars and guns).
The representations gender: Gender in this poster is represented as semi traditional since a women on the poster is wearing a dress that shows skin whereas the men where suit and ties this is stereotypical for a bond film
Representations of ethnicity: ethnicity is represented fully within the poster since people of all race are shown however the largest character is white on the poster, this could show that the James bond movies still are traditional in the fact that the white person is the main character, and the cast is majority white which is stereotypical for a Bond film.
Representations of age: The light on Bonds face highlights his wrinkles to show him has old and gives connotations of wisdom and experience, this is non stereotypical for a bond film as James Bond has usually been younger.
The representations of sexuality: all the characters are presented as straight which suggests a heteronormative storyline.
Wednesday 6th March 2024
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In a spy action film i would expect a male superhero to not show emotion, be skilled with weapons, wielding a weapon,
to be strong and masculine, intelligent and strong and calm and collected

Friday 8th March 2024
Lo:to analyse a historical film poster effectively
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misogonystic male, lack of diversity, guns, cars, explosions
Roger Moore, second time as bond, based on Ian Flemings book, different distribution company, same supplier, 7 million budget mad over 97 million at box office, martial art films were very popular at the time like Jackie chan and bruce lee, to reflect that the movie had many martial scenes were filmed, the artwork for the poster was made by Robert McGinnis, the film was set in the 1973 energy crisis, when the oil producing Arab nations proclaimed an oil embargo.

1.They have used a montage of images to try and advertise what is inside the movie and so the target audience understands what they are getting when they are going to the movie.
2.The connotations of Bond being in the centre of the image tells us he is the main character since he is central and the largest part of the image, the gun and bonds facial expression show that Bond is confident and dangerous, he is dangerous since he has a gun that can cause damage, and his facial expression is smirking which makes him seem confident
3.The golden gun could mean that the man is holding is rich, also the bullet is branded "007" which shows the bullet is meant for Bond since his agent name is "007".
4.The text is used to appeal to different types of people uses the words "Roger Moore" to advertise to people who know Roger Moore, the advert also mentions Ian Fleming which advertises itself to people who have read the books
5.Who is the man with the golden gun? Why does he want to kill James Bond
6. Hero, villain, princess
7.Guns, fire, explosions, many places all around the world
exam style question

the poster uses images to create meanings by having James bond in the centre of the image and is the largest image which highlights him and shows that he is the main character, the poster also has an image of a man loading a golden gun with a bullet labelled with the number "007" this tells us that the person is rich as they can afford a gold gun and that also he is trying to kill James bond since his agent number is "007". Both these display hidden meanings and connotations through images.

A. The James Bond poster uses images to show hidden messages by showing guns held by the characters and the cars being driven, which shows to the audience that it belongs to the action genre. This is used to serve as a promotional tool to appeal to the target audience of action movie fans. The poster also shows meanings through images to present some of James bond's old character stereotypes like the "bond girl" which is a girl in the bond movies that is there to be an ally to Bond and to usually be in a romantic relationship with him we know that there is a bond girl in this poster as the women in the bottom right of the poster has had lighting put onto her image to show her makeup and that links to the male gaze where women are just their to be looked at by men.
B. The James Bond poster uses mise en scene to create meanings by showing many areas in the poster some urban and some more natural this is used to tell the audience that the movie is an action adventure by displaying the multiple areas inside of the movie, which is stereotypical for a Bond movie which contains many places and finds themselves within the action adventure genre.
C. This poster uses layout design to create meanings by making the James bond the largest character on the poster, this tells us who the main character by making the character that is most important to the story the largest character. The poster also uses the layout to show some of prop's character theory such as the villain which is shown by the character having a sinister expression and he is second largest on the poster which shows that he has significance to the movie.

Wednesday 13th March 2024
Film posters
Lo: to analyse a historical film poster effectively

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Black suit: posh, sophisticated, traditional
The colour gold: riches, expensive, shiny
A power plant: dangerous, radioactivity, Chernobyl

representation context: at the start of the 20th century many films depicted minorities by their stereotypes of the time to be pitied or laughed at, the exotic and or dangerous.

While society was progressing towards racial equality by the 1970's some of these stereotypes were still in mainstream film

In addition, it is interesting to consider this poster in the context of the move towards gender equality and increased women's rights in the 60's and 70's

Stereotypes: The poster uses stereotypes like the women in the poster is in a bikini and is pointing to James bond this is a stereotype of the bond girl which is a representation of women where they are weaker than bond who is a man, and are usually attractive this is a stereotypical representation of women in movies at the time of the movie's release

Representations of gender: Gender is represented traditionally within the poster, we know this since the women is attractive, in a bikini and is skinny this is conforming to the ideals of how a women should look in society, the male gender is represented as traditional as the man is dressed in a suit and has a confident expression the suit connotes that he is wealthy and powerful whilst the expression shows he is confident, this is a traditional representation of the "ideal male" in those days.

Representations of ethnicity: In the poster ethnicity is not represented much as the majority of the people in the poster a white however the hand that is loading the gun, this is a stereotypical representations because in those days black people were more likely to be shown as villains

Feminist perspective male gaze theory: The women in the poster are in bikini's which links into the male gaze theory that states women are only around for men to look at this can be shown in the women's representation

Friday March 15th 2024
Film Industry
LO: to explore the process of film marketing
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Production: production is how a film is made
Distribution: getting the movie out to the audience
Marketing: how a movie is advertised and making the target audience aware of the movies existence

1. production
2. distribution and marketing
3. circulation
Some big film companies (conglomerates) will complete all three processes for a film. this is called vertical integration. This is good as they don't have to share film revenue with other companies

pre-production: in this stage the movie's story is written the creative planning, legal , creating sets, hiring actors, and budget planning.

Production: during production the film is when the film is being recorded all the raw footage and scenes

post production: includes editing advertising and publishing

The producer handles on-set logistics, management, and supervision while the executive producer deals more with off-set issues like negotiating contracts, communicating with investors or studios, and maintaining the business face of production. That's not to say that an executive producer has no creative impact.

1. EON productions made NTTD
2. Yes
3.NTTD is a studio film with high production values
4.The other production companies involved are industrial light and magic, framestore and DNEG
5.industrial light and magic, framestor and DNEG where in charge of post production
6.250,000,000 $ budget
7.England, Norway, Jamaica, Italy and Scotland.
8. 10 months

Wednesday 20th March 2024
Distribution and marketing
Lo: to explore the process of film making
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production is the process of the film being made such as the filming of the scenes, crew is hired, scripts are written

Distribution is how the movie gets to its audience

Marketing is how the movie is advertised and finds its target audience.

Exhibition is when the movie is showed.

Distribution us the process of making copies of the film for cinema, VOD (video on demand), DVD and SVD (streaming and digital video) release and marketing and promotion

sometimes producers will show their films at festivals in order to persuade distribution companies to take on their films.

Sometimes a conglomerate ( a large company that owns smaller companies in other areas of the industry) will delegate the distribution to a smaller company that they own. this is called vertical integration.

distributers need to  work out and stick to budgets for marketing and creating film and consider film release dates

1.Universal is NTTD national distributor
3.Yes the film was vertically integrated
4.the release date was 30th Sep 21
5. Easter the n winter. The decision to delay the release was made when it became apparent that theatrical markets especially in the US due to the demand for movies after the pandemic

Marketing and promotion:
Life is Roblox

every institution, within ever media industry, has one more important task above all the others to make a profit, the more money you make the more you can invest in other movies. A films success is largely judged upon how much money it makes at the box office.

Bond is an established franchise with backers lining up to advertise their product a part of the film. Films are very expensive to make for instance the budget for NTTD was 214 million.

Hollywood and movie institutions are very cautious about spending too much on movies and roughly what it takes to make the movie back in profit.

posters for movies usually have quotes from film critics, names of celebrities and snappy catchphrases

Companies pay to have their product put inside of the film


A. poster, teaser video, billboard, merchandise, social media
B.the delays for NTTD will effect its marketing because the demand for the movie because suspense has formed around the delays and the marketing budget has to increase to keep retention for the movie.

Friday 22 March 2024
Do now

1.merchandise, teaser, social media, collaborations, advertisements

A. Billie Eilish released the song, interviews posted on all platforms, actors announcing if they are in the movie, teaser poster and theatrical posters
B.Omega, Triumph, Aston Martin, Land Rover , Barton Perreira sunglasses, Tom Ford, Massimo Alba, Sotech go tactical bag sling bag
and vuarnet sunglasses

Wednesday 27th March 2024
Lo: to explore exhibition and regulations in the film industry
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1.The delayed release f the movie was an issue for the team of the movie because the team had to spend more money on the advertising to keep excitement for the movie

exhibition is the process of showing the film across a range of different media platforms. Historically this used to only include cinema release, but as digital technology evolves so does the way in which we watch films.

Exhibition takes place in the following order:
1. Cinema release
2.DVD release, pay per view/ video on demand recently Dvd and PPV have been released simultaneously as audiences are becoming more demanding and turning more to digital download
3.Free to air television ( avaible to standard tv channels as a viewer)

In the last few years there has been a change in a way the audience consume film. the rise of Netflix, Amazon Prime and other streaming sites has made film more easily accessible to viewers. They can stream digital copies straight to their tv, laptops, tablets and phones. This is known as SVD ( streaming and digital video.

1.31 days
2. $774.2 million
3. NO
4. december 31st (new years day)
5.Yes but it is not free to view
6. 21 million DVD ,PPV and VOD sales

Film and video releases in Britain are amongst the most tightly regulated in the western world.

Age restrictions are placed on all commercially released films by the BBFC and some are even expected to make cuts or alter the film in some way to conform the guidelines

When classifying films the BBFC consider:
-tone and impact
-depiction of discrimination
-depiction of drug use
-depiction of sex and nudity
-use of language
-depiction of threat and violence
-depiction of imitable behaviour

1. 12a, moderate violence and infrequent strong language
2. a lot of teenagers above the ages of 12 can see the movie and this attracts to their target audience of action fans
3. Digital age ratings are a way of classifying if a piece of media is appropriate for a child of a certain age to watch, this is relevant to Nttd as this regulation could prevent sales to younger audiences.

Wednesday 17th April 2024
Audience Appeal
LO: to explore the uses and gratifications of films
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1. a 12a rating is for cinematic releases films rated 12a are suitable for children age 12 and over however people younger than 12 may see a 12a as long as they are accompanied by an adult in such circumstances responsibility for allowing a child under 12 to view lies with the accompanying adult

the reason we use media to entertain ourselves, peer pressure

uses and gratifications theory

the theory is a theory that states the audience take an active role in using the media and that audience will use a media for for four reasons: personal identity, information, entertainment and social interaction

personal identity: use of media to reinforce personal values  by coming closer to similar desired people/products
Media products allow audiences to find role models and other people with similar values

information: any information can be learned through different forms of media.
Media allows the audience to gain an insight into other peoples lives

entertainment: use of media to escape the hum drum of their boring everyday lives
To give a sense of happiness and release from the daily grind of work

social interaction: the ability of media products to gain an insight into other peoples lives and circumstances
the ability of media products produce a topic of conversation between people

my category is social interaction through social media

people use the media category of social media for social interaction by commenting on people instagram posts and interacting with others. this links into the uses and gratifications theory.

NTTD will entertain the audience because it is an action film and the high action films can distract form sources of boredom in life.

NTTD promotes social interaction because the james bond franchise is very popular and could be a source of conversation with others who enjoy the films

NTTD contributes to personal identity as the media allows you to find characters that you want to be like and other people with similar values.

NTTD would give information on the story of the James bond franchise.

Friday 19th April 2024 
Audience appeal
lo: to apply uses and gratifications to NTTD
Do now interaction
3.personal identity

film posters: information, entertainment
Film trailers: entertainment, information, social interaction
website: social interaction, information, personal identity
Merchandise: personal identity, social interaction
Billboards: information
sponsorship: information and entertainment

I think the website offers entertainment through the trailer, social interaction by discussing with people about the movie in forums , personal identity since it sells merchandise which can help you show who you are and information about the films release.

The audience could find entertainment from the trailer because the trailer shows some of the most high action parts of this movie and this could invest the watcher into the movie and its characters.

I the audience would experience the information gratification for consuming media by showing the audience the release date of the movie for example near the end of the trailer it says that it is coming in theatres September 2021 this gives us information on when the movie is releasing

Wednesday 24th April 2024
film industry roundup
LO: to consolidate our knowledge of the film industry and to apply it to exam style questions
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merchandise, social media , promotion for any new films

Exam structure C1, section b

there will be two questions

Question 3: a stepped question that will focus on one of the four media industries we will look at. (film, radio, newspapers and video games)

3a) name one of the companies that produced no time to die (1)
3b) briefly explain what a media conglomerate is (2)
3c) briefly explain what a convergence is (2)
3d) explain how films use technologies to reach audiences and promote the film. Refer to no time to die to support your points (12)

Question 4: a stepped question that will focus on the audiences in relation to one of the four industries

4a) identify two ways in which media producers catagorise audiences (2)
4b) Briefly explain how no time to die targets audiences (4)
4c) explain why users visit the no time to die/007 website. refer to the uses and gratifications theory in your answer (12)

Friday 26th April 2024
Do now 

1.two questions
2. mark a minute
3. question 1 look at one of the four media industries, question 2 audience in relation to industries


Explain how films use technologies to reach audiences and promote films. Refer to nttd to support your points (12 marks)

Films use technologies to reach audiences by using social media advertising by having pop up ads show onto the feed of people using social media, this is beneficial as social media will have a profile of all its users in its algorithm so the film can only advertise to its target audience, this means that the film can use this technology to reach its audience.

Films also use technologies to promote films like teaser trailers this promotes the film as it builds excitement for the main release and creates knowledge of the film to fans of the franchise or the target audience in general, this means that previous fans of the franchise are aware of the film but also the sense of excitement in fans can be spread over the internet on places like Facebook or twitter to promote the movie for free further.

NTTD has used technologies to reach audiences through their 007 website that creates awareness for the show but also gives information to hardcore fans of the franchise, this means that people will know where to find information on the film but also gives hardcore fans reason to visit too and spend more money on things like merchandise.

Explain why users visit the NTTD website Refer to the uses and gratifications theory in your answer (12 marks)

Users would visit the NTTD website according the uses and gratifications theory for things like social interaction with other bond fans on forums which further gives users excitement around the release of the film as a sense of community can be built on the forums on the website and things like awareness to will spread quickly in this community allowing for more film promotion to the franchise.

Users could also visit the NTTD website according the uses and gratifications theory for information since on the website there is a section dedicated to news this allows fans to learn the newest and most important pieces of information about the show and this aligns with the uses and gratifications theory which suggests that a user could consume a piece of media to acquire knowledge about the subject of interest.

Finally Users could visit the NTTD website for entertainment since the website offers many sources of entertainment such as video's, games and quizzes these elements provide users with an entertaining experience with the website and aligns with the uses and gratifications theory which states a user could consume a piece of media to give themselves happiness and entertainment

Aim for 3-4 paragraphs


1.eon productions

2. A media conglomerate is a large company that owns many diffferent media based companies. For example Warner brothers

3.convergence is where multiple pieces of media can be accessed through a single device such as films and tv shows through your phone.

4.Nttd has used multiple forms of technology to reach audiences. For example, NTTD used digital platforms such as streaming services like amazon prime and netflix allowing viewers the convience of watching the movie whenever through digital downloads or streaming, reaching out to a wider audience that may not want to go to the theatres to watch a movie. 

Additionally, NTTD has used social media platforms in order to reach out to audience through interaction within the community in social media which gains more interactions to do with the movie therefore promoting it in the social medias algorithm exposing the film to more people. 

Also NTTD has used online advertising  on online video platforms such as youtube which makes millions of people view and learn about the show, this mass advertising campaign constantly reminds fans of the show about its oncoming release, creating a viral effect from the excitement produced by the fans


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