Wednesday 6th September 2023lo: To explore the concept off representation and stereotypes
.The media offers the audience a n interpretation of the world
.it is a representation of the events, people and places
I think this represents the athletes in a positive light because of the choice of the word "Superhuman"
this has connotation's of super hero's and power.
Friday 8th September 2023
Do now:
three positive representations of teens in media is high school movie, jude bellingham and malala.
In the ghostbusters scene they made both the characters seem geeky by having them talk about subjects that nerds and geeks talk about
.Nanny. Overbearing, bossy , usually female, old, orderly,
.Nurse. hygienic, Female, stressed, intelligent, resourceful
.Teenager moody, unclean, rude, stupid, low energy, negative
.Astronaut middle aged, smart, adventurous, male, physically fit
.football player. athletic, male, rich, healthy
opera fan. wealthy, snobby, highly educated, very old
teacher. bossy, loud, boring, strict,
tattoo lover. criminal, muscular, male,
this advert challenges stereotypes by having men with generally considered masculine hobbies and their departments underneath them, they also challenge stereotypes by asking the adverts viewer if they are man enough to be a doctor.
educating the east end:
.Art style of the trailer is supposed to look like the doodling in a school exercise book
.trailer challenged the stereotype of students and teachers not getting on
.teachers are shown as less professional
.teachers are also shown as caring and more human
Wednesday 13th September 2023
LO: To explore the representations found in magazines
Direct address is when the model or person is looking at the camera to get people to pick up the comic
.the genre is lifestyle
.its aimed at women
.aimed at an 18+ audience
The target audience is woman over 18, the cover star is Carrie Underwood who is a country singer, she is being represented as confident, happy, and bold
in the first cover she is represented as less famous, as a new mother and family orientated
In the second cover she is represented as famous, rich and successful
In the third cover she is represented as small town,fancy,
The thing that influences how the cover star is represented is the cover audience and the genre of the magazine
in this magazine she is represented as strong, healthy and sporty
Friday 15th September 2023
Lo:to explore the representations found in magazines
The differences between the covers is the colour pallet, GQ is mainly black and blue whereas cosmopolitan is pink and purple, Target audience,GQ is aimed at men and cosmo is aimed at women, the
In these covers the female gender is represented as
.wanting to get guys
in these covers the male gender is represented as
.wanting to be successful
.interested in urban survival
.cares about status
- the producers have represented gender as anti stereo typical because the man is in more stylish and exposing clothing much like how woman are represented in magazines and the woman is presented as dangerous which is also anti stereotypical
Wednesday 20th September 2023
lo: to write and structure an effective exam style answer
- the producers have represented gender as anti stereo typical because the man is in more stylish and exposing clothing much like how woman are represented in magazines and the woman is presented as dangerous which is also anti stereotypical
the two covers represent gender very differently cosmopolitan represents Tom Daley in an anti stereotypical way, for example he has been dressed in more feminine clothing (for example the pink jogging bottoms)- both in colour and style.However, as a gay man, there are more stereotypically masculine representations with the tattoo and muscular physique.
GQ presents Rihanna as dangerous by having her dress as the monster medusa from greek mythology which is anti stereotypical for how women are usually presented in magazines, and could suggest that women are "snakes". However she is also being objectified since she has no clothes which is part of the Male gaze theory that women are meant to be looked at by men which is stereotypical for the male target audience GQ has.
The representations of gender are similar in these covers because they are both not presented as stereotypically masculine or feminine.
Friday 22nd September 2023
LO: to create a magazine covers showing an understanding of representation
Wednesday 27th September 2023
Friday 29th September 2023Lo; to review and improve effective exam style answer
WWW: you've compared both covers well and included gender stereotypes
EBI: include more specific media terminology in your examples
Industry research
lo; To research companies linked to set products
- 1931
- The original target audience was men who like fashion
- GQ rebranded from a mainly fashion magazine to a general mens magazine
- Condè Nast publishes GQ
- GQ is published physically and digitally
- as of 2021 its circulation is 89,000 per issue in the UK
- the target audience now is men between the ages of 20-40
- GQ's brand image is that of a mens lifestyle magazine its ideologies are that of its reader base which are men between the ages of 20-40
Wednesday 4th October 2023
Lo: set texts
Circulation: A count of the number of a certain issues have been distributed
Advertising revenue: the amount of money earnt from selling ad space in the magazine
Cover price: The price of the magazine displayed on the cover
Subscription model: a model of magazine purchase where you pay a certain amount a month (recurring fee) to gain access to a new magazine every time the purchase is done
Multi platform: The magazine can be bought over the internet and physically
Readership: The audience who reads the magazine
Ideology: what the publishers think and write into the magazine
Brand identity: What the brand presents itself as
Target audience: Who the magazine wants the readers to be
Research both companies, research the following information
- When was the magazine launched?
- What was the original genre/target audience
- Has it changed, rebranded at all over years
- Who publishes it?
- iIs it print only or multi platform?
- What is it average circulation & readership
- Who is the target audience?
- Summarise the brand image: tagline, values, Ideologies, types of topic covered,style etc
- 1931 as a quarterly publication named "gentlemans quarterly" aimed specifically at fashion industry insiders
- The original target audience was men who like fashion
- GQ rebranded from a mainly fashion magazine to a general mens magazine in 1967
- Condè Nast publishes GQ
- GQ is published physically and digitally
- as of 2021 its circulation is 89,000 per issue in the UK
- the target audience now is ABC1 men between the ages of 20-40
- GQ's brand image is that of a mens lifestyle magazine its ideologies are that of its reader base which are men between the ages of 20-40 in the Uk and America
- 1892
- The original target audience where New York's social elite
- It changed in 1909 when it was bought and rebranded to a women's fashion magazine
- Condè Nast publishes Vouge Edward Eniiful edits British vouge
- Vouge is multi platform
- Vouge's circulation is 190,000 and it's readership is 12 million
- Vouge's target audience is 17-29 women
- Vouge's brand image is that of a glossy, monthly women's lifestyle magazine aimed at ABC 1 fashion and style conscious women between the age's of young adult to middle age who are educated, sophisticated and wealthy , it's tagline is "before its in fashion its in vogue" it mainly covers topics including fashion, its style is based on using star vehicles and distinctive photographs.
In this magazine cover the male gender has been presented as stereotypically masculine. We know that this cover has been presented as stereotypically masculine due to the fact that the star vehicle (Dwayne Johnson) was a wrestler and has a muscular physique.
The cover image also presents the cover star as confident by having him smile and flex his muscles into the camera, the wardrobe also has ripped clothes to give the impression that his muscles have torn his shirt, this confidence is also stereotypically masculine.
The lexis also presents The Rock as ambitious with the main cover line stating that he wants to become the next U.S president which also presents him as masculine since there has never been a woman president of the U.S.
The Rocks ethnicity and age is also mentioned as he is the cover star of GQ India and The rock is part Indian however one of the cover lines says "50 most influential young Indians" event though the Rock is 51 years old which is different from what the cover lines mention.
Friday 6th October 2023
These GQ covers show that the brand believes in traditional stereotypes of masculinity because all the cover stars are either in traditionally male clothes or have a muscular physique.
We can deduce from these magazine covers that Vogue is an inclusive brand because it has multiple of different race, age and gender on there covers and do not care about being traditional as they put a man in a dress.
Wednesday 11th October 2023
L/O:to explore the context & cover star for case study
GQ's Brand identity: Traditional, Masculine, luxury
Vouge's Brand identity: Inclusive, Glossy, Fashionable
These two covers are different because David Beckham is fully clothed and is Pictured only with his shoulders, arms and head. Whereas Jennifer Lopez is barely clothed and her entire body is photographed.
GQ is targeting their audience by putting attractive women on the cover and adding cover line's of generally masculine hobbies.
Homework: Raheem Sterling 5 facts.
Wednesday 11th October 2023
L/O:to explore the context & cover star for case study
The fonts mainly on this cover are sans serif except for the second word in the masthead, its type face mainly uses arial black with occasional use of times new roman. The colour of the type stick's to a red and white colour template. The bold and simple fonts in uppercase to bring attention to the magazine and give it simplicity to give out a professional and important aesthetic. They add sub lines to the cover lines in a different font to be able to add more detail about the stories that are covered.
Colour palette
Red ,white and black
The colour palette of the cover is red, white and black. Red can represent passion and this links to the cover star who is known for being a successful millionaire but having been in jail and poor before his riches and fame.
The layout is in the "L" shape where first people scan the top of the cover and then moves down like as if you are reading a book when readers eyes move like this it is in a "L" shape. My cover uses this by having the cover lines stay mainly on one side of the cover
Anchorage text
The anchorage text of my cover is "Robert Downey Jr the man who came in from the cold" this is a reference to an old movie and it means that he was once disgraced but has been welcomed back into Hollywood, this tells us who the cover star is and what is being said about him.
Medium close up to focus on his expression and face. Direct address shows confidence and appeals directly to reader. Serious facial expression connotes seriousness of topic. Wardrobe is very rugged and dark which resembles what the anchorage text had said about Robert.
Homework 5 facts about Raheem Sterling
1. He was born in Kingston, Jamaica in 1994.
2. He has a tattoo of an M16 gun on his leg.
3.His family struggled with poverty and had it very tough. He even lost his dad to violent crime, which is one of the reasons his family moved from Jamaica to the UK when he was 5 years old.
4.Raheem has donated to different causes, like the Grenfell Tower fund (a cause he cares a lot about, as a Londoner). But Raheem has also worked with the Police and other charities and groups trying to stop young people pursuing a life of crime.
5.Raheem Sterling has a member of the order of the British empire (MBE)
Wednesday 1st November 2023
do now
This cover uses representation to present the cover star as cool by adding cover lines that use words relating to the word "cool" and describing the cover star as a rock and roll star.
In 2019 Raheem sterling experienced racist chants and abuse from fans in a football match when he was playing against Chelsea (an ex club) with manchester city. After the game the fans responsible for racism were banned from the club for life, Sterling then spoke out after the game and said that newspapers and the media will twist stories to try and make a young black footballer look worse than a young white one for doing the same thing, and this can egg on racism in football.
The masthead is bold and large in a sans serif font, the colour is a deep gold connoting wealth, but also religion in the context of the rest of the cover.The colour gold is in juxtaposition to the black in sterlings wings, already implying there will be binary oppositions in this cover
"why its finally ok to own a belt bag" links to the idea of being a metrosexual.Subverting stereotypes of bags being for women, now men can own and enjoy them too
Anchorage text:
Guardian angel- a multitude of meanings and readings
1) he is a winger in football, playing on sides or on the wings
2)He protects other black players from further racial abuse with his campaign
3)He was seen as an evil person in the media, but in reality seems on the whole to be a good one
Layout Z shape:
A Z shape in a layout which is used in magazine covers to follow the way humans read left to right top to bottom
"westminster has become a living nightmare" appeals to the intelligence of the reader discussing current affairs and political storylines in keeping with the idea of middle class "gentleman"
Friday 3rd November 2023
do now
8/10 first try
10/10 second try
Explore how this front cover of GQ magazine uses media language to communicate meanings
The front cover of the GQ magazine uses media language to communicate feelings by putting wings onto Raheem sterling (RS) in the image that are black this could represent how the footballer is good at heart such as actions of buying his mum a house or getting a tattoo to tribute his father, he is still demonised by the press which is why they use the colour black to represent how he is presented by the media as evil.
The anchorage text says Raheem Sterling is a "guardian angel which connotes" that he protects others from harm for example his campaigning on social media to stop racism which would also explain why his wings are black (biblical reference since RS is a christian) to represent how he is a "guardian angel" to his community (Raheem sterling was born in Jamaica and moved to London when he was 5).
In the cover Raheem Sterling is positioned above the camera long shot position below whilst shirtless showing his muscles ( masculinity )and his entire body is centre to the frame this connotes how he is strong not only physically but mentally due to the fact that he has dealt with racist taunts from fans and not let it get to him.
Wednesday 8th November 2023
do now
7/8 first try
8/8 second try
Gender in this cover is being represented as a stereotypically masculine male, we know this since RS is positioned above the camera to denote power, RS is shirtless and has a muscular physique and his pose is open and powerful.
Exam question
- The image shows a women with her hand on his shirt trying to undress him too show that women want to be with him
Friday 10th November 2023
do now
Three words to describe gender identity in this cover (RS)
- Powerful
- Confident
- Intimidating
- hyper masculine
- he is wearing a hood which is stereotypical of a criminal, this is being worn to show that black people are stereotyped as criminals for no reason connotations of rebelliousness
- He has a angry face to show that he is annoyed by the mistreatment of his race by cops (the covelines talk about BLM)
- Clothing has connotations of wealth whilst being casual- cares about appearance
- Hairstyle:cultural identity
The male gender in this magazine is presented as stereotypically masculine since the man on the cover (actor Robert Pattinson) has a woman trying to undress him which could connote that him as a man gets a lot of women. The man in this cover is also wearing a suit and is well groomed which advertises itself to the target audience of men that like fashion and looking good.
The Female gender in this magazine is presented as almost invisible, in this magazine the woman's head is cut off and only her lower body is shown this objectifies her and connotes the old stereotype of how women are only there to look good.
The representations are similar as they both are being used to attract into reading with their features also they are both presented as traditionally masculine and feminine. Whereas there are differences in gender representation that the man has his upper body and face showing whereas only the lower body of the women is showing, this could connotate what the media focuses on, for the man the media focuses on his head and thoughts whereas for the women the media focuses on her looks and body.
Wednesday 15th November 2023
Do now
1. vouge is a lifestyle magazine with a target audience for women
2. vouge is published by conde nast publishing company
3. Vouge can be bought digitally or physically
4. Vouge's tagline is "before its in fashion its in Vouge"
Malala Yousafzai
LO: to explore the context and cover star for case study 2
- Vouge is aimed at ABC1 fashion and style conscious women who are educated, sophisticated and wealthy
- Whilst it traditionally targeted an older female audience of 30-45 year olds, you could say that this audience has now broadened to appeal to, inspire and empower younger readers too, as well as much more culturally diverse audience ,under the influence of the new editor
- To appeal to advertisers, Vouge emphasises he wealth and status of its ABC1 readership who spend an average of 8k a year on fashion and over a thousand pounds a year on cosmetics
Vouge represents the male gender anti-stereotypically by putting a man in a dress on the front cover of the magazine this goes against the stereotype of women wearing dresses and men not wearing them, this also targets the audience of younger people as younger people are against these old stereotypes and are also interested in fashion.
Vouge represents the female gender as stereotypical when they have Rihanna dressed in feminine clothing while wearing makeup, however the fact Rihanna who is a black woman is being presented on a cover would be anti stereotypically since originally black people were not put on magazine covers, this advertises to Vouge's more diverse and young target audience by being antistereotypical and being more progressive with their choices of cover
- Malala is a pakistani education activist for women's rights to education in the middle east
- She got shot by the taliban when she was 15
- won the noble peace prize at 17
- Yousafzai was born on 12 July 1997
- Malala and her father started thee malala fund to help raise awareness of the importance of girls education
17th November 2023
Malala is a Pakistani education activist for women's rights to education in the middle east. In 2009 she started writing a blog about the Taliban in her town and about the danger she was in. 15 On October 9th 2012 she was shot by the Taliban for protesting for a women's right to get an education, she has since continued protesting and won a Nobel peace prize when she was 17.
In this cover Malala is covered in red clothing and surrounded by the colour red. Red could symbolise danger and how as long as she protests against the Taliban she will always be covered by danger
Malala's name is the second largest piece of writing on the image (behind the masthead) and is in the brightest colour this is to bring attention to her name since she is famous but some people may have only heard her name than seen her face.
This magazine cover uses a traditional z style template which is shown by the layout of the cover lines but also her hand position.
The cover lines of the magazine describe things that are not necessarily considered what a fashion magazine would be covering such as boxing, this could be Vogue trying to distance themselves from their fashion origins to covering more topics.
The text below Malala's name says she is a "survivor activist legend" this is to give a description of who she is to people who may not know her but also to give a kind of timeline of her life as she survived a gun shot wound because she was being an activist for women's right to education.
Wednesday 22nd November 2023
do now
- Malala is covered in the colour red, red could symbolise danger and how she is covered in danger as long as she keeps protesting for women's right to education in the middle east
- The camera angle is a direct address mid close up shot this could connotate her confidence in the face of danger like when she got shot in the head for protest and kept protesting.
- Her name is part of the anchorage text that is the biggest piece of text behind the masthead to show her importance
Vogue has gotten more diverse for age, size and race especially since before 2017, Vogue Uk went 14 years with only six non white solo cover stars.
We can see because it represents a muslim women which is means she is a minority.
Diversity is also represented in the magazine by having black people been talked about in the coverlines.
Malala's representation is anti stereotypical because she is presented as confident by using direct address instead of the stereotype of muslim women being reserved.
Being female is represented as being confident which is stereotypical for a female centered magazine, the cover lines go over topics which are both stereotypical and antistereotypical for women as it covers romance, fashion and boxing.
There is a sense of class and sophistiphication to the cover which is associated females, like the colour red ,the jewellery and silk clothes.
Use of the word survivor is anti stereotypical as she is not presented as a victim but a strong person that survived not had to deal with
DEL: describe technique/element/representation
Explain: connotation/meanings constructed
Link: the overall context/meaning
In this cover Ethnicity has been presented anti stereotypically because the cover star is a muslim women , muslim women in media are usually presented as timid and reserved in media whereas in this cover she is using direct address to connotate confidence.
Friday November 2023
do now
l/o: to compare representations in magazine covers
- similarities
- colour template to use the colour read to connote passion ( Malala's fight for women's right to education and Lizzo's music)
- Both show a women of colour in their cover which is antistereotypical for Vogue
- Both use direct address which connotes confidence
- Cover lines that represent both stereotypically feminine and non stereotypically feminine hobbies this suggests that women can be not entirely interested in feminine hobbies
- names are the biggest text apart from the masthead which represents them as important
- red silk clothing used to represent feminine wealth
- Differences
- The camera shot type for Lizzo is a long shot which focuses on her entire body like it does her body type whereas Malala is a close up shot that focuses on her head like it does her mind
- Body positivity with lizzo and Malala religion
Vogue magazine connotes danger and blood by covering Malala in the cover red, this could reference Malala's attempted assassination where she got shot in the head but it could also reference the inherent danger of her campaign for women's education in the middle east.
The typography of the magazine stresses how famous Malala is by having her name be the second biggest piece of writing on the cover behind the masthead, this introduces her as somebody important and can giver her a sense of significance since her name is bright and big. Malala is described in the puff of the as a "survivor activist legend" this further describes her to readers that may not know her but also uses the word "survivor" to describe Malala as strong instead of a victim of an attack but instead somebody that was brave enough to stay alive.
The layout of a magazine is Z shaped and this is guided by the position of her hands in the picture. The cover lines of this magazine are both stereotypical and anti stereotypical for a women's lifestyle magazine as it both talks about romance and boxing, this shows that vogue is trying to be less stereotypical and focus on more subjects that aren't just stereotypically feminine.
The cover uses Mise en scene to give Malala a feeling of opulence by giving her silk clothing and jewellery.
Wednesday 29th November
do now
LO: to practise comparing representations in two covers
- Confident
- Empowered
- Extravagant
- both use direct address to represent themselves as confident ( anti stereotypical)
- Both wear high quality clothes that represent them as important and powerfull
- Both cover lines talk about antistereotypical and stereotypical feminine topics
- Both have their names as large text which puts importance on their name
- Kim is in a medium long shot which shows her body whereas Malala is using a mid close up shot which focuses on her face
- Kim is dressed in immodest clothing whereas Malala is dressed in religious clothing that covers her body
The two magazines are equal parts similar and different in their representation of the female gender in the magazine covers.
One of the similarities to this magazine is that they both use direct address to connotate confidence and power by looking straight at the camera on the cover of the magazine, this anti stereotypical since women are usually represented as not as strong and important as men.
Another similarity of the magazine is that both the cover lines on the magazine covers show both stereotypical and anti-stereotypical representation of women's interests, Malala's cover talks about romance "love after lockdown" but also boxing "fighting talk" and Kim's talks about career "the 7 surprising career mistakes you should make" and fashion "the easy leather trouser".
A difference between these two covers is that the shot type in Kim's is a medium long shot which focuses on her body which objectifies her and is stereotypical for a magazine, whereas Malala's cover she has a closeup which focuses on her face and doesn't objectify her and is anti stereotypical for a magazine.
Another difference between these two covers is that Kim Kardashian is dressed in immodest clothing that objectifies her into having her body be seen which is stereotypical, however Malala is in religious clothing that covers her body which is traditional for her religion but is not stereotypical for magazines today.
In conclusion the representation of women in this magazine are both parts similar and different that are constructed using the same media language in its way of presenting its gender representation.
ReplyDeleteWWW: you've compared both covers well and included gender stereotypes
EBI: include more specific media terminology in your examples
ReplyDeleteGreat - well done!
Good - detailed
WWW: some strong points, linked to context
EBI: include accurate magazine terminology
Good analysis including a comparison
Great ideas and some good analysis
WWW: Good ideas with some specific details to support
EBI: Try to use more accurate media terminology - there is no puff on the vogue cover. It is a caption or sub-heading.
A great first attempt!
WWW: you've made a judgement and given clear examples from both covers
EBI: You need to make sure that you are fully explaining your examples - if you say that the shot type focuses on her face, then explain what that is connoting/suggesting about her - what is that representation?