Friday 1st December 2023
LO:To explore the aims and conventions of print advertising
Advertising and Marketing
The main purpose of advertising is to bring attention to a product, service or issue. Marketing is a global industry which provides a major source of income to other media industries. We encounter it in many different forms all times of the day. Advertising campaigns often utilize a mixture of media forms- print, TV ,radio and digital
This ad informs the audience
this ad raises awarenessThis persuades an audiencethis creates a unique selling point
Wednesday 13th December 2023
Historical advert set text
l/o: to explore the context and content of the historical set text
do now
Gender is represented as traditional because for the women in the car advertisement there is glamour and comfort which connotes that a women cares about how things look whereas the man cares about the practicality of the car which connotes that men care about the function of items.
This reflects the brand as one that is traditional and cares about the family values and the fact that it is safe and enjoyable for everyone in the family.
Quality Street
- the icons of quality street brand were two characters named Major quality and Mrs Sweetly both were from the regency era of Britain
- The regency era could also be compared to the 1950's for its significant cultural development
- the 1950's saw a change in culture when arts and theatre were much more cheap and available
- Quality street will get you women
- typography uses alliteration to make the ad more memorable
- everyone in the picture is looking at the product
- anti-stereotypical ad which is more image than text
- the colour purple is used to connotate royalty and to link to the brand identity
- mixture of both sans serif and serif fonts
- the gold frame creates a halo effect to show that he is good
- product takes centre framing
Wednesday 10th January 2023
lo:to explore the context and presentations in the historical set text
do now impression is that the main people in the advertisement are happy
2.I believe they have a comfortable lifestyle because they are in a clean house with furniture
3.Quality street is trying to imply that their product will make people happy and is for the general middle class public.
1950's saw a change in "high culture", where entertainments and the arts became more accessible and affordable for everyone. Therefore the cultural status associated with the regency characters adopted by quality street to advertise their products, was now within reach of the everyman.
advert 1:
Women have been represented as wanting to do household chores and cleaning which follows traditional gender roles from that time. This object is expensive so it is targeted to the men that are the sole earners in a family.
advert 2: women have been represented traditionally as the stay at home wife that is expected to cook she is also objectified as she is being compared in usefullness to an object
advert 3: traditional gender roles because of what the parents are doing the man is relaxing presumbly after work and the women is doing housework
advert 4: this connotes that a women should be below a man by putting her below a mans shoe
advert 5: this could connotate that women are below men by positioning her below one and it reinforces gender roles with the women having cooked and serving food.
advert 6: this advert connotes that women overreact by having a women cry over burnt food and the man consoling her being the "stable person" in the relationship.
The gender roles at the time were very traditional where it was a male dominated society where men worked, earned money then came home and got food from their stay at home wives.
The gender roles at the time were very traditional where it was a male dominated society where men worked, earned money then came home and got food from their stay at home wives.
We can see the gender roles in the quality street advert because the women are being objectified to represent the sweets which makes women seem like objects that get picked by men like sweets from a tin. The advert also makes it seem like women are fine with both being with the same man.
The product is placed in the mans lap to be a phallic symbol this is to advertise to the male target audience.The mans's costume is a suit which has the connotations of the modern business man to give the product an air of sophistication, the man is in the centre of the picture controlling the situation because during the 50's the men were a more dominant gender.
Friday 12th January 2024
historical set text
L/o to explore the possible exam style questions for advertising
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In the quality street advertisement the male gender is the dominant gender, i chose this gender because he is in the centre of the frame both women are leaning in to kiss him and he is wearing a fancy suit that connotes that he is a powerful businessman
In the quality street advert the female gender is represented as an object. women in this ad are objectified because they are dressed to represent the sweets and the text says it is a delicious dilemma when both the women are kissing the man which implies that women are easy to pick as it would be between two sweets.
In the quality street advert men are represented as dominant. We can tell that the man is presented as dominant as he takes the centre of the frame and is wearing a fancy suit so that connotes his wealth and power which fits with traditional ideas about gender around the time of the advert.
Wednesday 17th January 2024
analysing adverts
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1.denotation is the literal definition of something and connotations is what the thing makes you feel or think
advert 1: the product is being protected by the royal guards that protect the king this connotes that the wifi is very well protected, the product is being protected by royal guards to make it seem like the product is high value like what royal guards usually guard. The colour scheme of the advert is neon which has connotations of technology
advert 2: the advert's text tells the audience to stop staring at me like i'm some piece of meat whilst showing a burger this is supposed to make the burger sound like a women which connotes that people have a strong desire for a women and a big mac
advert 3: In this ad the product is being shown as having history because all the previous models are being shown to display the products history
advert 4: In this ad the Hulk is wearing a bandaid which connotes that the band aid is strong because it can wrap around hulks finger and not snap
positive: inquisitive, curious, disabled, handicapped, interested
negative: nosy, crippled, retarded
Explore how the advertisement for Quality Street uses the following elements of media language to create meanings: images
The advertisement for quality street uses the composition of the image to present traditional gender roles within the era of the advertisements creation. In the image the man is in the centre of the frame where he is dominant and controlling the situation, this presents how in the creation of the ad's time men were considered to be the more dominant and stronger gender.
In the advert the tagline is "what a delicious dilemma" this is referring to both the women who are kissing the man and the sweets that the man holds in his lap, there is a link between the women and the sweets because the women are dressed like the sweets, this could connotate that the women are being objectified and are being compared to being as easy to pick from as which sweet to eat.
This advert also shows who they wanted to advertise to because the man is dressed in a formal suit and in a comfortable house this gives the product a sense of luxury and glossiness this is because during the time of the advertisement's creation there was a boom in income and people were a lot more interested in fancier things.
Friday 19th January 2024
Wednesday 24th January 2024
l/o to understand the techniques used in contemporary adverts
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wear blue
wear pink
1. fun loving, unserious because of the colour palette which is using high contrast colours and light
2.The fiat adverts are aimed at each individual gender, for the women's advert it is made to look like a fashion magazine. For the mens advert the text references sports which is stereotypically masculine.
3.The font that is used is bubbly and sans serif this is to represent the brands identity as casual
this girl can was developed by sport England to promote women's sports
the target audience is women
12 January 2015
to celebrate women in sport
it is funded by the national lottery
Friday 26th January 2024
lo:to use our understanding of advert conventions to create advertisements
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on a contemporary advert i would expect to find a main image, a sans serif font message on the advert about the product, a bright colour palette to catch peoples attention, an image of the product, a slogan and a logo.
this ad uses celebrity endorsement
this ad uses emotive language
this ad uses gender stereotypesthis ad subverts stereotypes
persuasive sell lines
for an umbrella hat "lets all the competition wash away"
for bacon bandages "as safe as they are tasty"
for a in car sauce holder dip clip "fast food done even faster"
weasel phrase
chicken harness "its like a fashion show for your pet"
celebrity endorsement
finger covers for cheesy food, Donald Trump "look at what happened to me without this product"
i am creating an ad for a pair of headphones
Wednesday 31st January 2024
lo: To evaluate how women are represented in a variety o adverts, so that we can apply this to the set text for the exam
Do Now:
the data could show that whilst both genders like sports a majority of men enjoy watching sports more. And that women are more likely to
the this girl can campaign is a national campaign launched in 2016. It was developed by Sport England and funded by the national lottery this means that there is o commercial aspect this means there was no intention to make any money
the purpose of the campaign was to try and break down the primary barrier holding women back from sport - the fear of judgement.
- before the this girl can campaign research showed that there was a massive gender gap between men an women participating in sport with 2 million fewer 14-40 year old women than men partaking in regular sporting activity.
- 13 million women said they would like to participate more
- just over 6 million of these were not active at all
Additionally soon after the launch of this girl can Nike released a more motivational campaign called better for it.
"I kick balls deal with it" this is effective because it is both funny and motivational
"a kick right in the stereotypes" this is effective because it is referencing the stereotypes of women and how they are being broken
advert 1
the women was presented as strong because of the cameras focus on her developed back muscles
advert 2
the women is young and fit this portrays women in sports as capable and it the women doesn't look like the average representation of women
advert 3
the ad is using the set text of take the crown to add a subtext of the women being a queen and presents women with value
this advert shows the difference of representation of women in the this girl can campaign and the nike advert is different. The women in the Adidas and nike commercials are very athletic and sporty and usually engaging in high intensity sports and physical activity for example the women in advert 1 has very defined muscles and is climbing a rope, this presents women as athletic and capable. Whereas in the this girl can adverts the women is not overly athletic and not engaging in sports, this presents women as people who exercise but not competitively, whilst both ads have women engaging in physical exercise they both are different representations of women and exercise in general
Wednesday 7th Febuary
do now
The intention of the "this girl can" campaign is to promote women doing physical exercise and sports
Women have been presented as the sex that does worse in high level sports, this stereotype has been subverted in recent time by the women's England team winning the euros and the other women's athletes like Serena Williams and Megan Rapinoe.

Women have been presented on this advert as able and free we see this in the advert because of her facial expression which presents her emotions as overjoyed and free which indicates that she is enjoying the party round her. This ad also presents women as confident since the women is dancing alone but is enjoying herself and is not embarrassed of herself she, this is antistereotypical of the usual representation of women which is that they are less confident then men.
Friday 9th February
c1 section ppe
lo; to practise how to answer exam style questions effectively
do now
confident, happy, able
Question 1 "this girl can": explore how the print ad for this girl can uses media language to create meanings.
1a.Text and written language
The print advert for the This Girl Can campaign uses media language to create meanings. One way the print uses media language to create meaning is its text that says "sweating like a pig, feeling like a fox" the print ad uses the words "feeling like a fox" to describe the woman as a free individual like a wild animal or to indicate that she is pretty as foxy is a positive word for describing peoples appearance, these two similes are juxtaposed to show that you should not care about your looks which ties into the goal of the this girl can campaign.
Furthermore the words "sweating like a pig" puts emphasis on how much exercise she is doing which the point of the this girl can campaign to make women exercise, and this can help the viewer understand the purpose of the campaign more that is against stereotypes, the word pig is also juxtaposed with the word fox to say that the women is dirty and sweaty but is also attractive.
The advertisment also uses a hashtag at the top corner of the print ad, the print ad uses this piece of text to show that they are trendy and is an organisation that is modern which further strengthens their anti stereotypical ideas.
1b. (visual codes for example: images, lighting, dress)
The overall message of the This Girl Can campaign is about getting women to compete in sports, do exercise and be anti-stereotypical.
A way the media uses visual codes to create meanings is the facial expression of the women, the women's facial expression is happy and confident which gives women a representation of being free and not caring about what others think since she is dancing at a party, which is antistereotypical and goes against the stereotype of women caring a lot about what others think, and this is put in the advert to show that the campaign is antistereotypical.
Furthermore the women is in the centre and is in focus of the image which is a low angle medium long shot and all the other people in the image are blurred out this has been used in the print advert to reconstitute the previous point of her not caring what others think because the other people are blurred out which presents the women as confident which is again anti-stereotypical and helps the campaign in its goal to undo stereotypes of women.
The women is also wearing the colours blue ,yellow and black and she is wearing a tank top this challenges conventional stereotypes of women because the women is wearing colours that are stereotypically thought of only being worn by men this could also link into male gaze theory, where women are only there to be looked at by men, since the women is not wearing stereotypical clothes for a women to be dressed in, this goes against stereotypes and promotes the this girl can campaign's main goal.
Wednesday 21st February 2024
C1 section a ppe
lo: to revise answer exam style questions effectively
do now:
PPE Q1a: 4/5
WWW: Well explained, clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include accurate terminology and always link the meanings to the message
WWW: Well explained, clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include accurate terminology and always link the meanings to the message
ReplyDeleteGood notes
Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation
Some good ideas linked to the context. Well done!
Good notes and understanding of context, the use of ML & representation.
PPE Q1a: 4/5
WWW: Well explained, clear points supported by text references
EBI - link the points to the meaning/purpose of the campaign
PPE Q1b:7/10
WWW: good focus on the meanings constructed by the visual codes
EBI: make sure you include accurate terminology and always link the meanings to the message.