Magazine front covers

 Thursday 15th June 2023

Lo:To identify the features on a magazine front cover to explore genre codes and conventions


It is the title of the comic and is at the top of the page


it is the number of the issue of the comic and the date, it is found at the top right of the design

main image

The main image is the picture of the person or thing featured in the comic and it takes up most of the space in the page.

cover lines

Cover lines are the sentences that cover over the main image to show what the contents of the magazine will be it is usually on the left or right centre of the comic design 

Bar code

The bar code is what gets scanned so the magazine can be bought it can be found near the dateline. or at the bottom

Tagline/Strap line

The tagline is the piece of writing underneath the main title  and is found at the top of the page underneath the title/masthead

Pull Quote

A pull quote is a quotation by a person featured in the magazine that can hook readers into buying the magazine.


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